I had the pleasure of meeting Brenda Miller, my Listing Manager, over seven years ago when she came to work for my team. Not only is she a great employee, she and her family have been involved with law enforcement for over twenty years. Brenda, her husband, Randy, and their son, Jason, have all served as police officers over the years. Randy recently retired from the Raleigh Homicide Division and Jason is currently a Raleigh police officer.
Brenda mentioned in our team meeting this week that Randy would be involved in an upcoming Memorial Event to honor the families of fallen police officers. Please read his letter below. If you would like to help, please contact Brenda at our office- 919.235.0007.
To Family and Friends,
On May 10th, 2008, I along with 250 other Police Officers, all members of the Police Unity Tour Chapter IV of Virginia, will travel 250 miles on our bicycles. Our journey will begin in Chesapeake, VA, and end at the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington, DC. Several hundred Police Unity Tour members from other Chapters will join us at the memorial. On October 1st, 1962 President John F. Kennedy declared May 15th as the National Peace Officers Memorial Day. On October 15th, 1991 the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial became a reality.
We are doing this to honor our fallen brothers and sisters and to raise money for the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial. I will be riding in honor of Raleigh Police Officer Charles Radford Paul III who was killed in the line of duty on September 10, 2002.Last year 2007 became the deadest year for our law enforcement officers. There were 180 officers killed in the line of duty, protecting people such as you and me. My goal is to raise $3000 in pledges by April 30th. I’m asking you to help me reach this goal by pledging your support. You can either send your pledge via the mail or make a secure donation online. Go to http://www.policeunitytour4.org, click on the sponsorship link at the top of the page, then click on “sponsorship info”, and click on the “DONATE” button with the Visa and MasterCard logos. I have also attached a sponsor form that can be used to mail donations. I will make this journey, remembering that you supported this great cause and me.
Thank you,
Randy Miller