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The Heart of a Mansion

Last week I had the opportunity to tour the inside of the Governor’s Mansion for the very first time. What a beautiful home! I have driven by it many times and have always been impressed with the grounds, fencing and stately exterior appearance but, the inside is really a work of art. Have you ever seen the inside? If so, do you agree?

How I managed to tour the Governor’s Mansion was by accepting an invitation to a presentation by the American Heart Association called Go Red For Women. Have you heard of this? Go Red For Women is a new campaign they are launching to increase awareness of heart disease in women. Did you know that more women die of heart disease than all forms of cancer combined? They even have a free online assessment to help all of us take charge of our hearts and health. I hope you will go to and click on the heart check up. It will evaluate your risk for having a heart attack or other cardiovascular event within the next 10 years. Do it today. Don’t wait. I learned the main reason women die of heart disease is they stay so busy taking care of everyone else that they never make time to take care of themselves. Women ignore symptoms because we do not have time to be sick.

Last week I learned how beautiful the inside of the Governor’s Mansion is and I also learned that I have 2 out of the 5 risk factors. High blood pressure and heredity. My dad died of a heart attack the day after his 56th birthday. I am 53. Sound like time for a heart check up for me. How about you? Take time. You are worth it.


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