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Wake County Public School Tips : Kindergarten Enrollment

happy kidsAs a parent of young children, it’s important to know about Kindergarten registration in the greater Raleigh area. If you or your friends, neighbors, or colleagues have a child who is 4 or 5 years old they will probably be ready for Kindergarten this fall (or summer if you’re on a year-round schedule). Wake County Public Schools has a comprehensive website with all the details that you need.   To enroll in Kindergarten the child must be 5 years old before August 31st

What are the basics that your young child needs to know and be able to do in order to be successful in a Kindergarten classroom? It’s important that they can play cooperatively and participate in group activities. Social and emotional development is taken into consideration as well as fine motor skills (like cutting with scissors) and gross motor skills (like jumping/running/throwing balls). Children must be immunized in order to be enrolled in the Wake County Schools. This link provides additional details and a wonderful video with further explanations about expectations for a student in Kindergarten.  

If you are interested in learning more about Early Enrollment, your child must be 4 years old by April 16th 2015. If you think your young child would qualify for early enrollment based on their development and abilities, there is a packet of information available through this link below. It provides the details about the process for applying early, the birthday deadlines, and additional developmental milestones.

Good luck for a successful year in Kindergarten!


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