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Is the Housing Market in a Stalemate? What Should You Do?

Chris Coy - Steve Kruger - Real Estate Right Now - Is the Housing Market in a Stalemate with Jay Izso
Recently an article posted on LinkedIn By Tiffany Moustakas, Editor at LinkedIn News posted an article that the U.S. housing market is in a stalemate. She presents a case that there is an increase mortgage inquiries, while at the same time a survey by suggests that people do not want to sell their homes in fear of having a higher mortgage rate.
Christopher CoyWhat is really happening? Well in this episode of Real Estate Right Now we bring on two guests to discuss the issue of stalemate in the housing market. We will be joined by Christopher Coy, senior loan officer from Townebank Morgage and Steve Kruger, senior home listing and buyer expert with Linda Craft Team, Realtors. You can bet it will be an educational and entertaining show.

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