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Tag Archives: Linda Craft and Team

What’s Really Happening with Mortgage Rates?

Wondering about the real scoop on mortgage rates? You’re not alone. One minute, there’s talk about rates dipping, and the next, headlines claim they’re climbing. It’s enough to leave anyone puzzled. Here’s a straightforward answer to cut through the noise: the narrative around mortgage rates shifts depending on the timeframe in focus. Let’s dive into […]

Why Pre-Approval Is Even More Important This Year

Starting your journey towards owning a Triangle area home? Then you’ve probably come across the term “pre-approval.” Let’s explore what it means and why it’s especially important for those looking to buy a home in 2024. Understanding Pre-Approval In the homebuying journey, your lender assesses your financial health to determine the loan amount you’re eligible […]

Home Seller Perspective: The 3 Most Common Reasons for Selling

Selling your home is a big decision. After all, it involves pricing your home, staging it to perfection, negotiating with the buyers, and executing the perfect sale. Plus, once you finish all of that, you’re tasked with relocating! While moving can be challenging, it’s not impossible. And, oftentimes, a sellers’ reasons for listing their home […]