If you’re thinking about selling your Raleigh home and relocating, you might have noticed that options have been limited lately. But here’s some good news: the number of homes on the market has increased in many areas this year—including Raleigh—and that includes both existing homes and newly built ones. So how do you make the […]
Tag Archives: raleigh home buyers
Are We in a Housing Bubble Like 2008?
In this issue: Soaring home values and surging buyer demand have led many to believe that we’re experiencing another housing bubble. However, conditions are vastly different from those preceding the 2008 market crash. Extremely low inventory, verified demand, and strong equity are all bolstering today’s housing market—and were lacking in the mid-2000s market. The absence […]
2020 Home Equity Increased $1 Trillion
Key points: Though 2020 was financially devastating for many, most homeowners saw a dramatic gain in home equity over the past 12 months. US homeowners with mortgages saw a 2020 home equity increase of over $1 trillion. The average homeowner gained approximately $17,000 in equity in the past year alone—that’s a 10.8% increase over last […]
The 2020 Winter Housing Market Could Be the Best Ever
How VA Home Loans Help Heroes Find Homes
In this issue: In 2019, the Veteran’s Administration guaranteed over 600,000 home loans. Almost half were made without a down payment. In 2019, nearly $120 million was provided to help seriously disabled veterans purchase, modify, or construct a home to meet their needs. Many veterans don’t take advantage of the outstanding benefits available through the […]
How Do Today’s Mortgage Payments Compare to the Good Old Days?
If you’ve been thinking about buying a home or you follow real estate news, you have likely heard that interest rates are very low right now. In fact, they’re not just low—they’re lower than they’ve ever been in history. Since interest rates are so low, how do today’s mortgage payments compare to those in decades […]
Why Summer 2020 Real Estate Is Expected to Prosper
Traditionally, spring and summer are hot seasons for homebuying. Warm weather, longer days, and summer vacation provide plenty of opportunities for those looking to make a move. However, this past spring didn’t go quite as planned. Fortunately, summer 2020 real estate is expected to do a little better Will Summer 2020 Real Estate Make a […]
How High Buyer Demand in Raleigh Is Driving the Market
This spring, mortgage interest rates fell to all-time historic lows, and now they are projected to remain low for the foreseeable future. This has created a huge incentive for investors—and for sellers who want to take advantage of high buyer demand. What Does High Buyer Demand Mean for You? If you’re thinking about buying or […]
How Historically Low Interest Rates in 2020 Bolster Real Estate
The start of the year showed quite a bit of promise for real estate—high prices, strong demand, steady interest rates… and then a global health crisis threw the American economy into chaos. Widespread closures, unemployment, and stay-at-home orders have led many to postpone making large purchases or sales. However, interest rates in 2020 may indicate […]