We are all very fortunate to live in an area where the entrepreneurial spirit is very much alive and flourishing. Raleigh and the Triangle area continue to be a hotbed for creative new business owners with fabulous product ideas they want to introduce to the world marketplace. Because of this unique market, it makes sense […]
Tag Archives: greater raleigh real estate
3 Reasons Why the Raleigh Area is a Great Place to Relocate
2015 Triangle Real Estate News
What’s New in the Triangle Real Estate Market Home ownership is the American Dream! A home provides shelter, safety, and an investment that forces savings and increases in value over time – allowing you to build personal wealth. Knowing how important a good real estate investment can be to your future, let’s take a look […]
Your Rights In the Wake County Home Appraisal Process
In the final installment of this series in how to understand and navigate the appraisal process, we’ll explore the most important piece of it all: your rights. “What are my rights in the appraisal process….” is one of the most asked questions that I field from my Wake County home buyers and it’s something that […]
Location and Size Are Two Keys For Unlocking a Strong Wake County Home Appraisal
Higher Wake County Home Appraisals Are Typical of Refinances and HELOCs
As I continue with this next piece in my series on appraisals, we will now take a closer look at other anomalies in the process: Refinances and Home Equity Lines of Credit. Many times I meet with Wake County sellers who previously had their home refinanced or had taken out an equity line of credit and […]
Different Loans Equal Different Appraisal Needs in Wake County NC
All loans are not created equal. Neither are all lenders. That also means that no two appraisals are going to be alike. As I mentioned in Part 1 of the series, it’s always best to approach the appraisal process with the understanding that the type of loan you apply for may place additional hurdles in […]
Is My Wake County Home Appraisal Figure My Home Value?
Simply put, the answer is no. Many Wake County home buyers are disappointed when their house appraises for contract price especially if they felt they had negotiated a great deal. Remember, the appraisal figure is not your home value. Its purpose is to justify and secure the bank’s decision about loaning the money you and […]
How Staging Your Wake County Home Affects the Appraisal
Walk This Way: What Is The Walkability of Your Raleigh Real Estate?
As a Raleigh Real Estate homeowner, do you prefer to walk to your destination when possible? Would you rather hop on your bike and cruise the Capital Area Greenway instead of burning fumes? Are you interested in buying a Triangle home and are curious how close it is to the hustle and bustle? If you answered […]