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Category Archives: Tips for Selling Your Home

Why You Should Sell Your Home This Month

Key Takeaways: Historic buyer demand and housing inventory lows continue to influence the market Experts predict listing in early spring will bring the maximum return on your homeā€™s value.  Donā€™t waitā€”contact the experts at Linda Craft and Team to list now! Almost every industry is struggling with supply chain disruptions, and the current U.S. housing [ā€¦]

Explaining the Buzz Around iBuyersā€”and the Buzzkill

Key Takeaways: Some sellers have turned to iBuyers for instant cash offers on their properties, but they have consequently sacrificed the personalization of their home sale. iBuyers use outdated algorithms to value properties, whereas real estate agents use to-the-minute statistics to generate accurate, competitive prices. Work with Linda Craft & Team to expertly price your propertyā€”and [ā€¦]

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