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Raleigh: Great Place To Live?

We sure think so – and we are not the only ones!   Bloomberg recently announced that Raleigh was  America’s Top City to live.  It does not come as a surprise to those of us who live here.  One of the local jokes is that it is hard to find someone who was actually born in Raleigh.  Most of us relocated to the Raleigh area from other cities and have decided to never leave.

What Makes Raleigh So Special?

There are so many ways that Raleigh is a great city.  We have  good roads and major interstates that make traveling easy to any part of the state and we are only a few hours from the beach and the mountains.   Major universities like Duke, UNC and NC State are nearby not to mention all of the technological jobs at Research  Triangle Park.   Sports, Music, Cultural Events, growing neighborhoods and much more await you.

Where are the Best Places in Raleigh?

Good question – I bet you will hear so many choices once you start asking around.   Our real estate team recently compiled a Top List of Restaurants, Events and Things to Do here in the Raleigh area and it is linked through our new foursquare tips section of our Raleigh Real Estate Website.

What is Your Favorite Spot in the Greater Raleigh Area?

We would love to hear from you!

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