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Summer Gardens for Your NC Home

Whether you’re thinking of selling your NC home or not, flowers and well-maintained plants are sure to make a home more inviting. Especially if you’re trying to attract a potential Triangle area home buyer.  Here are a few plants you may want to add to your Triangle area backyard garden.

Perennial Flowers for the Raleigh, NC area

Coneflowers look a lot like daisies, and can come in different shades like white, pink or purple. Plant them in the spring in well-drained soil with lots of direct sunlight. Coneflowers bloom in the summer and early fall. These perennial flowers will make a great addition to your Triangle area home, and attract beautiful birds like golden finches.

Black-eyed Susans are a cheerful yellow flower with a raised black center. They do well in direct or partial sunlight and require well-drained, moist soil. Some Black-eyed Susans can grow up to three feet tall and grow out up to eighteen inches, so you may want to cut them back if you choose to use them as a border.

Native Shrubs for Your NC Home

The Sawtooth Blackberry is the most common wild blackberry plant in the Raleigh area. When in bloom, the blackberry bush will produce beautiful white flowers. The berries start out red and gradually turn black as they ripen. A word of warning: blackberry bushes can grow very quickly, and the branches of the bushes do have thorns.

The Black Highbush Blueberry buds in early spring and does best in acidic soils. Make sure the bush gets plenty of direct sunlight for best results. And to make sure you get a chance to enjoy your blueberries (and not the birds), put netting over the bush to keep pests out.

Triangle Area Summertime Vegetables

Thinking of starting a backyard vegetable garden? You can plant and harvest these in the summertime around the Triangle area:

  • Basil
  • Snap peas
  • Cucumbers
  • Summer squash
  • Zucchini
  • Tomatoes
  • Peppers
  • Corn
Don’t forget to mulch and water to keep your plants healthy!

Have you started your own flower or vegetable garden? Tell us about it.

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