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Micro-Gardening in the Triangle : Optimizing Your Triangle Real Estate’s Outdoor Space

Own Raleigh Real Estate  or planning on buying a Triangle home but don’t have a spacious yard for starting a garden? Don’t be discouraged! Micro-gardening is a great way to have the bountiful garden you want with limited space.

The FAO defines micro-gardens as intensively cultivated small spaces – such as balconies, small yards, patios and rooftops.

How Does Your Raleigh Garden Grow?

Many Triangle homeowners use containers on their back patios or decks to hold tomatoes, cucumbers and more. Others prefer hanging vessels such as the Topsy Turvy or a standard hanging planter. You are only one Google search away from seeing all sorts of gardens grown in a variety of non traditional containers such as reusable shopping bags, wood shipping pallets and laundry baskets. The grow bag is another colorful alternative to the standard terra cotta pot. Check out our Ideabook on urban gardens and how they can enhance your property in the Greater Raleigh Area.

Thinking of Selling Your Raleigh Area Home?

Fast forward a few years and now you are ready to move out of your Triangle area townhome and into a detached home in Cary/Wake Forest/Raleigh or Morrisville. What do you do with the container garden you have been nurturing for all of these years? The great thing about containers is that they can easily be moved! Another option is to donate your plants to a local food bank or community garden. It is important to clear and clean off any patio/deck of overgrown plants so the potential home buyer can see how much space they will have for their own container garden!

Anything is possible with a little imagination and hard work!

Interested in buying or selling a home in the Triangle? Call 919.235.000 or visit our website for more information! We are here to help you achieve your dreams!

Check out these homes that have great yards!

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