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Energy Star Neighborhood : Not Just for Lightbulbs

We have all heard of energy star appliances. Stainless steel refrigerators, low flow toilets and compact fluorescent light bulbs are usually what comes to mind when one hears “energy star”. But have you ever heard of an entire neighborhood being energy star certified?

An energy star neighborhood is built to meet criteria and standards set by the _______. Homes are built more efficiently so they use less energy and save the homeowner money.

Many homeowners across the country have become increasingly interested in green building and conserving energy is a great start! Homeowners can expect to experience lower utility bills, energy conservancy and environmental protection.

According to the ENERGY STAR website, builders have partnered with ENERGY STAR and are leaders in energy-efficient construction and environmental stewardship, providing valuable peer and public recognition that translates into market advantage because consumers increasingly ask for ENERGY STAR.

View our current listing in Wake Forest that is part of an energy star certified neighborhood.




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