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10 Winter Home Improvements That Are Worth the Investment

Though it may not feel like winter yet in Raleigh, December is ending and the winter is officially upon us. We can expect temperatures to drop as we head into the New Year. In preparation for the colder weather coming, we wanted to share with you some relatively easy home winterization tips that you can make that will save you money during the cold winter months.

Home Tips for Saving Yourself Money This Winter

Here are 10 do-it-yourself home improvements that you can make on your Raleigh home this winter that will save you both money and energy.

1. Caulk Around Windows and Doors 

Make sure that all cracks and holes are sealed. This will keep the cold air out of your house, which will keep your heater from working overtime. If necessary, you might also consider adding or replacing weather stripping.

2. Add Area Rugs to Your Tile and Wood Floors

This creates an extra layer of insulation in your home and also makes it easier to walk around your home in bare feet during the winter time.

3. Install Glass Doors That Close Off Your Fireplace

This will not only keep cold air from coming down and through your house but it will also prevent warm air from escaping through the chimney. Also, if you use your fireplace, make sure to close the flue when youā€™re finished.

4. Insulate Your Attic Door

For instance, you can buy covers for your attic staircases or openings. This will actually help you reduce energy costs all year long.

5. Cover Your Windows

Even if you donā€™t have storm windows, you can create your own with a window insulation kit. And inside your house, consider using insulated drapes.

6. Buy Insulated Garage Doors and Exterior Doors

Typically, the garage doors that come with most homes arenā€™t insulated. You can change that to save on energy costs.

7. Add Insulation Throughout Your Home

This includes in the attic as well as the crawl space, garage and basement. Experts recommend that you add insulation if you havenā€™t done so in more than 20 years.

8. Reverse Ceiling Fans

Some people may not be aware of this but you actually have the option of reversing your ceiling fans. Running them counterclockwise makes it cooler during the summer months but by making them clockwise, they will circulate warm air back into the room.

9. Replace Your Furnace Filters

Just like with anything else, dirty furnace filters will make it work less efficiently. Generally speaking, filters should be changed every month during the heating season.

10. Replace Your Outdated Furnace Altogether

If your furnace is older, you might consider purchasing a newer unit that is going to produce more heat with less energy. Just make sure that you get the right size for the space you have.

If you want to take your home-savings even further this winter, you can check out the U.S. Department of Energyā€™s do-it-yourself energy audit on their website. Or you can call a contractor and request a professional audit. (We can recommend trusted local professionals. Just contact us or visit our Raleigh area business directory.)

Home Winterization is a Great Selling Point

We hope you found this DIY home improvement advice helpful as a homeowner. Home winterization is a great way to not only keep your home warm and energy-efficient during the colder months in Raleigh, but it is also a great feature to offer when you are selling your home, especially during the wintertime.

If you are selling your home, let us help make the process easier for you. As the Triangleā€™s #1 ranked real estate team, our trusted professionals can give you all of the advice you need to prepare your home for sale, from a video library of home selling tips to how to sell your home faster and for more money. We even offer tools to see how much your home is worth.

Contact us today at 919-235-0007 or to talk with us about listing your home.

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