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Key Features to Look for When Choosing a Real Estate Brokerage

Whether youā€™re brand-new to the real estate game or youā€™ve been helping people buy and sell homes for years, choosing a real estate brokerage matters a lotā€”to your everyday life and to your overall work success as a whole. So, how exactly do you find a brokerage thatā€™s going to help you succeed?

What to Look for When Choosing a Real Estate Brokerage as an Agent

choosing a real estate brokerage

Whatā€™s the big deal about choosing a brokerage, anyway? The overall goal, as an agent, is to find a brokerage thatā€™s going to give you the tools, the knowledge, and the resources that allow you to best help your clientsā€”and your business. Here are some things your brokerage should provide for you!

Tons of support & coaching

getting coaching when choosing a real estate brokerage

One of the things that makes real estate so tricky is that itā€™s always changing. It keeps us on our toes, thatā€™s for sure, and it means that as agents, we have to be constantly learning, growing, and adapting to incorporate new technology, new client expectations, and new ways of doing business.

At Linda Craft & Team, we provide all of our agents with the tools to learn and grow as the market changesā€”no matter your age or how long youā€™ve been in the game.

Generated leads

looking at leads when choosing a real estate brokerage

Cold calling is probably no sales personā€™s favorite part of their job. As a real estate agent working under a small or under-established brokerage, you might find yourself doing a lot of cold calling in a day, trying to drum up clients.

At Linda Craft & Team, we provide our agents with high-quality leadsā€”so you can leave cold calling at your last job.

Fair fees & commission

fair fees and commission

Larger brokerages often charge their agents a number of feesā€”both small and largeā€”for the use of resources, information, staff, or even space. Are you getting something out of those feesā€¦ maybe. But a good brokerage shouldnā€™t charge you to sit at your own desk or take half your commission!

At Linda Craft & Team, we believe the money you earn should be yours to keep, so we arenā€™t going to charge you any silly desk fees. And whatā€™s more, if you help us grow, we give some of our profits back to you, too!

Full support staff

listing coordinator making calls

The way most brokerages operate, each agent is responsible for every part of the processā€”from first meeting to inspections and due diligence to the close. That can be a lot for one agent to handle, especially if youā€™re juggling multiple clients all at different stages in the process.

At Linda Craft & Team, we all take part in the buying or selling process, and we all have our own duties to help lead the client from beginning to end. As one of our agents, youā€™ll have a full support staff, including a listing manager, a closing manager, and a delivery person, so you can concentrate on the best parts of your jobā€”helping your clients!

Team culture

choosing a brokerage with a team

Many brokerages arenā€™t so much a team as just a group of people who work in the same building. Each agent has their own clients, their own responsibilities, and their own goals.

At Linda Craft & Team, weā€™re not just a collection of agents who share an office. Weā€™re a team, and that means we watch out for each other, we help each other, and we all aim for the success of the team. When one person succeeds, we all succeed, and that makes for a truly special workplace.

Choosing a New Brokerage for Your Success?

Are you ready to stop cold calling, paying fees, and falling behind? Choose a brokerage with your success in mindā€”choose Linda Craft & Team! Find out more about our team and work culture, our open positions, and what we can do for your career! Contact us today to learn more and introduce yourself!

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