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Red Cross Announces COVID-19 Antibody Testing on Blood Donations

Did you know that the American Red Cross often sees a slump in blood donations during summertime? This year, that summer slowdown and COVID-19-related cancellations have taken a major toll on national blood supply, leaving a dire need for donations. Now, the American Red Cross is taking another step in the fight against COVID-19 by offering COVID-19 antibody testing for all donations.

Donate to the Red Cross for COVID-19 Antibody Testing

Now testing blood donations for COVID-19 antibodies

If youā€™re healthy and feeling well, you can help ensure hospitals have enough blood AND receive insight into whether you might have been exposed to the coronavirus. The Red Cross is now testing all blood, platelet, and plasma donations for COVID-19 antibodies.

How do you donate?

COVID-19 antibody testing with blood drive

To start, visit the Red Cross website to find a donation center near you. Then, pick a time that works for you and schedule your appointment! You might also want to take a few minutes to complete a RapidPassĀ® application to ensure you meet all the necessary criteria as a donor.

Whoā€™s eligible to donate?

people donating blood

Most people are eligible to donate blood, with a few exceptions. Right now, you really want to make sure youā€™re in good health and feeling well. Certain medications and travel outside the US may require a waiting period before youā€™re able to donate, and low iron levels might require you to take steps to increase your iron levels before donating.

What should you expect at your appointment?

reviewing medical information

If youā€™ve never donated blood before, you might be a little nervous to get started. Itā€™s a pretty straightforward process, though. Upon arrival, youā€™ll sign in and fill out some paperwork (unless youā€™ve done so already online). Then, youā€™ll have a private mini-physical to ensure you meet all the donation requirements.

The good news is that the actual donation only takes about 8 ā€“ 10 minutes! In no time, youā€™ll be enjoying a complimentary snack and drink for about 10 ā€“ 15 minutes afterwards. Then, youā€™re free to go on with your day.

How should you prepare?

filling out medical information for COVID-19 antibody testing

The first thing you want to do is to make an appointment. You may also want to expedite the paperwork process by filling out some information ahead of time through RapidPassĀ®. On the day of, make sure you drink plenty of liquids, and bring two forms of ID with you to your appointment. You might also want to bring some music or an audiobook with you for a relaxed and enjoyable experience while youā€™re donating.

Why donate blood?

a doctor coding a COVID-19 antibody test

There are many personal reasons to choose to donate, but the bottom line remains the same: blood is always in high demand. By donating to the American Red Cross, you can be saving up to three livesā€”with a single donation!

Additionally, positive antibody test results may give you the ability to make a convalescent plasma donation that could help a seriously ill COVID patient.

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At Linda Craft & Team, we strongly believe that we have a duty to our community to help make it the best it can be. Thatā€™s why we partner with local organizations to help those in need, to better the lives of others, and to support and grow the community we love to call home.

If youā€™re thinking of joining our Triangle community, weā€™d love to help you find home. Contact Linda Craft & Team at 919-235-0007 to learn more about how we can put our 350+ years of combined experience to work for you.

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