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Real Estate Insights and Predictions for 2023

Real Estate Morgage Predictions for 2023 - Chis Coy and Jay Izso - Real Estate Right Now Show

Christopher Coy | Local Mortgage Loan Officer at TowneBank Mortgage in  Raleigh, NC - TownebankMortgageLike most people we are all wondering what it is the real estate market and the mortgage marketing going to do. Can we make a safe prediction? Does the data tell us anything? Are you on the fence as to whether you should buy or sell? Should you get out of your apartment? Townebank Senior Loan Officer and Market Researcher Chris Coy joins us on this episode of Real Estate Right Now to provide you with some predictions and insights based on the data. As well as some things you will want to consider in the current real estate market and going forward. Join us!

Linda Craft Team RealtorsLinda Craft Team, Realtors, For more than 3 years they have helped thousands of people make a life tranistion in pursuit of their dream of home ownership.  Let’s be honest every home you ever have lived in, has a memory and those memories are shared with life transition.  They specialize in making that life transition as stress free as possible.  So when you are ready to take your next transition, talk to the life transition experts…talk to the professionals at Linda Craft Team, Realtors. –


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