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Tag Archives: buying a home in the triangle

The Top Three Ways to Win a Bidding War in Raleighā€™s Competitive Market

Low inventory and even lower mortgage rates have caused the Triangleā€™s hot real estate market to become increasingly competitive. As a buyer, that means youā€™ll need to do even more to stand out, particularly if a home has multiple offers. Weā€™ve narrowed down the top three ways to beat out other buyers in a bidding [ā€¦]

Have You Outgrown Your Home? What to Do When Itā€™s Time to Move On

As years go by, our priorities naturally change. Perhaps your household size has increased or decreased, or youā€™ve seriously downsized your number of possessions. Whatever the circumstances might be, it is important that your home matches your current needs. It may see tough to initially admit that you are ready to make such a significant [ā€¦]

The Best Real Estate Advice for Millennialsā€”from a Millionaire

If youā€™re a millennial, then youā€™re probably a little tired of hearing all the criticism towards your generation. Buying avocado toast instead of saving money, always texting instead of callingā€”theyā€™re all pretty unfair generalizations. Another common criticism of millennials? That they never buy homes. But actually, that couldnā€™t be further from the truth! In fact, [ā€¦]

The 2 Biggest Buying Mythsā€”And Why You Shouldnā€™t Believe Them

Buying a home is a major decisionā€”one that you should spend plenty of time thinking about. But for many people, that thinking stage quickly becomes filled with anxietiesā€”about money, about mortgages, about lendersā€”and they may decide to postpone their buying plans. At Linda Craft & Team REALTORSĀ®, we want to break some of the negative [ā€¦]

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