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Tag Archives: Linda Craft & Team REALTORS

The Best Real Estate Advice for Millennialsā€”from a Millionaire

If you’re a millennial, then you’re probably a little tired of hearing all the criticism towards your generation. Buying avocado toast instead of saving money, always texting instead of callingā€”they’re all pretty unfair generalizations. Another common criticism of millennials? That they never buy homes. But actually, that couldn’t be further from the truth! In fact, […]

The 2 Biggest Buying Mythsā€”And Why You Shouldn’t Believe Them

Buying a home is a major decisionā€”one that you should spend plenty of time thinking about. But for many people, that thinking stage quickly becomes filled with anxietiesā€”about money, about mortgages, about lendersā€”and they may decide to postpone their buying plans. At Linda Craft & Team REALTORSĀ®, we want to break some of the negative […]