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Are You Late on Mortgage Payments? Feeling Hopeless? You Are Not Alone

As a real estate broker in the Raleigh market for over a quarter of a century I have walked many families through a home sale during highly emotionally and despairing times in their lives.  When we see a home for sale in the Greater Raleigh Area, or a moving truck in front of someone’s home, we naturally assume it is by choice and the family has had the American dream fulfilled. 

However, America’s housing crisis has increased distressed sellers and distressed properties in our Raleigh, Cary and Research Triangle market areas.  Unemployment, divorce, death, bankruptcy, short sales, foreclosures and REO properties equal emotional pain not the American dream.

In Proverbs, the writer tells us “Hope deferred makes the heart sick”  There is a place in life where life becomes so discouraging and hopeless that we lose all hope, and it can actually make us sick. I have been at this place and I am sure you have too; it is a scary condition. It brings you to the edge of despair.

When a mother gives birth, that child is delivered into this world through much pain. However, with that pain comes great joy on the other side. Every mother will say it was worth it because of the exceeding joy that child brought in the midst of the pain.

If you, or someone you know is in despair or feels hopeless, they need a reminder that this emotional event is temporary. Help them to see the other side and find what is good by the lessons learned in their pain. They need hope. They need help making clear decisions. They need a future after this real estate home sale is behind them.  Please join me in helping families in Raleigh, Cary, or around the world walk through their pain with dignity, health and a future full of joy on the other side. Share this blog with anyone who needs encouragement today.

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