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“I saw that on Pinterest!”

The world has changed. There is now a way to search everything from home decorating, clothes, recipes, and anything in between in one place… PINTEREST! This site is the reason that everyone has been cooking more, decorating better, and thinking they can conquor any home project. This recent social media phenomenon has increased 145% daily traffic since the beginning of 2012! Pinterest currently also has more daily traffic than YouTube, Google+, and LinkedIn combined!

Fun Facts

It shouldn’t be a surprise that 79% of the users on Pinterest are female. It is a perfect place to find all the latest trends. Pinterest has made it even easier to pin with 55% of the people using ipads, 28% androids, and 17% iphones.


Although Pinterest is pretty simple to use I believe there a few important things to remember. First update your profile and sync your Pinterest page with other social media. This will make it easier for you to find your friends and vice versa. Set up your boards before you start pinning. A new feature recently added is secret boards, this is where you can pin anything you want to your “secret boards” and it is private. Make sure when you pin or repin to add hash tags. This makes your pins easier to search for!


So next time you’re at a party don’t let the great decor and fun appetizers fool you, they most likely stole it from Pinterest and so can you! Happy Pinning from Linda Craft & TEAM.

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