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The Home Buying and Home Selling Puzzle: The Final Steps

If you’ve read our last blog about home buying and home selling, you understand that the process takes time and planning. The first steps are primarily focused on financial information. The following steps, however, focus on getting your home ready for the market.

Professionally Staging Your Raleigh Home

Emotion plays a powerful role in the home buying process. To bring in the buyers, we can recommend a professional home stager to create a strong sense of home. This means straightening up the house, getting rid of clutter, re-painting and decorating, to name a few.

Inspecting and Appraising Your Raleigh, NC Home

A pre-inspection by a licensed home inspector can alert you to potentially pricy home repairs. This is good to do early, so you don’t have a major expense at the last minute. Additionally, if your home happens to be especially unique, you might want to get it pre-appraised. We can negotiate a low cost pre-appraisal, which will be reimbursed at closing. This step can help protect your budget as you look to buy a new home.

Focus on the Sell Before Buying A New Home

If your budget requires you to sell your current home before buying another, you should probably put more of an effort in the home selling process. You don’t want to fall in love with a house you can’t buy right away. Focus on getting the most out of your current home, and then looking for a new place to live. It is never a good idea to buy a home before you have a contract on your current home.

Have a Back-Up Plan

If you have a tricky home buying and home selling situation, it’s a good idea to have a plan to fall back on. Be sure to set up a consultation with one of our agents. We can provide you with plenty of information and back up plans that come with home buying and home selling.

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