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Supporting “Transforming Hope” through Dance

Transforming Hope Ministries

Linda Craft and Team, Realtors supports numerous charities in the area, and last month we were a proud sponsor of the Transforming Hope Ministries’ Father/Daughter Night Out. Their mission is to educate the public about and prevent human trafficking through education, prevention, and restoration of those who have been exploited. Transforming Hope opened in 2010 and their first safe house called “Emma’s Home” opened in 2013.

Father/Daughter Night Out

Transforming Hope held an event to support their mission and Linda Craft & Team supported the event as a sponsor. Nogui Aramburo, our broker and closing manager, sponsored DJ services through his personal company Triangle DJ. To learn more about the event, see pictures, and get a recap on the festivities, please visit their blog below for details.

Supporting the Community

Linda Craft and her team believes in supporting local initiatives. One of our core values is “Service” and our mission statement begins with “Helping people…” We make an effort to stay connected to various charities in the area.

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