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Linda Craft & Team Take On The Ramblin’ Rose Triathlon

Ramblin Rose Tri May 2015 As part of the #LCTfitnesschallenge several of the women at the office decided to do a sprint triathlon called the Ramblin’ Rose. They signed up for it, trained, and completed the event on May 17th at the YMCA in North Raleigh. Congrats to Lisa, Ashley, Jennifer, and Chandra.

Ashley says… “I never thought in a million years I would do a sprint triathlon. Signing up for this has benefited me in many ways – physically, mentally, and emotionally. It took self-discipline, coordination, planning, etc. The event was amazing with women of all shapes, sizes, ages, and backgrounds! It was inspiring to be around them all!”

Chandra says…”It’s great to be in a work environment where there’s support for a healthy lifestyle and personal challenges. I’ve tried for years to get others to join me in this journey so I was thrilled to have friends and colleagues participate. Linda even came out to support us!”

Jennifer says…”Glad I tried this as a team & would like to do the whole thing by myself at some point. If you’re curious about it, do it as a relay team to get your feet wet!”

Lisa says…”When’s the next one?”

There are many opportunities for various runs, triathlons, mud runs, family challenges, and team/relay events throughout the Triangle area. Challenging yourself is always a good thing, and having several people from the team being involved has been a great team building activity for our office. Like Lisa said…when’s the next one!?

Linda Craft & Team is a locally owned real estate company where every dollar earned proudly stays in the community. Our Team is celebrating its’ 30th Anniversary and leading the Triangle in 2014 as the #1 Team for previously owned homes SOLD! We would love to help you too! Please call our office today to set up a free consultation with one of our expert team members.




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