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Who Gets the Title & Watch Out for the Home Scammers

Scott Silvers - Who has the title - Watch out for the home scammers - Real Estate Right Now - Jay Izso

Title title who owns the title. When people are not married but living in the same home who owns the title to the house? How about a divorce…who has title to the house? What if someone dies? What if there is no will? What if there is a will but those people are dead and gone? The title can be a bit of a shell game if you don’t know the “ins” and “outs”.
What about real estate scams. Did you know people are actually selling property they do not own? How can that even happen? It does, and it is happening more frequently. Watch out folks the vultures are out using wire fraud to take your property and your equity.
Attorney Profile – Scott Silvers HSM Attorneys RaleighThankfully on this episode of Real Estate Right Now, Attorney Scott Silvers of Hilton Silvers & McClanahan, PLLC, Attorneys at Law is going to join us and give you and I insights into understanding the title, and how you can avoid the scammers.
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