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Wedding Anniversary

My husband and I are linda_jay_final.jpggetting ready to celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary in October. This is a big deal since we have both failed at marriage before. We have now broken all records by four years and still really love each other and like being together. That in itself is amazing and it is time to celebrate big! We both agree we need to go somewhere special but, I have a really hard time taking off of work. A weekend feels like a week and a week feels like a month for me. I can take off an afternoon and feel like I have had an entire weekend to refresh. I get bored really easy and love being busy. He’s thinking we should get away for two or three weeks and I am starting to have a panic attack at the thought. I know I need to get over it and just do it and I will, but where to go and what to do. Do you have any ideas?

Jay also reminds me regularly that we have never gone on a vacation. I disagree. We travel two to four times per year to wonderful cities like New York, Las Vegas, Orlando, and San Francisco because we get to go together to real estate conferences several times per year. We always take an extra day or two to play while we are there. He says that does not count? What do you think? Is he right? I think it is a vacation with a legal tax write off and I love it. It fits right in to my practical nature and multi tasking personality. I want to be busy and he wants to have no plans and is happy doing nothing this is why the thought of two or three weeks is throwing me into a panic.

When we have this discussion about vacations and who is right and who is wrong I made the mistake of reminding him that our honeymoon was a vacation. We went on a 7 day cruise and spent several days in Florida at Disney World. He was quick to remind me that the cruise also had 8 hours of Continuing Education that we both attended so I could write off our honeymoon. Then he adds that we also visited my mother while we were in Florida too. I was speechless because I knew he was totally right on that one. I really believed our honeymoon was a vacation.

One place I know we have to go is Italy. Jay loves Italian food and wine and he has taught himself Italian from tapes. (I am not kidding; he used tapes in his car) He speaks Italian very well. With the dollar being so bad it doesn’t seem like a wise time to go overseas. Then Jay comes home this week from his Continuing Education class and hands me a flyer on a Mediterranean cruise to Italy and Spain. It departs in October and has 8 hours of Continuing Education being taught on the ship again. Wow this seems very tempting to me. 10 years later we could take another cruise where we get our CE, I get a tax write off, Jay goes to Italy and a cruise allows me to be busy and Jay do nothing if he chooses. What do you think? Do we book it? Is this a win win for both husband and wife? Or do we go to Hawaii or Bermuda, some lost island I have never heard of. What do you think? Help me plan a great 10 year anniversary for October. I think I can handle 10 days to 2 weeks without needing drugs and a straight jacket. It is mindset and I am getting there. Your thoughts are greatly appreciated.

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