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Possible Home Hazards

Here at Linda Craft & Team, REALTORS we are experts. We understand that many homes have unforseen dangers that you should be cautious of. “Out of sight and out of mind,” shouldn’t apply to the safety of your home. Belowe we have listed some information on potential hazards and where to find more important information to keep you and your family safe!

Aluminum Wiring

May be found in some homes from the mid 1960’s to the early 1970’s and is a potential fire hazard. Problems due to expansion can cause overheating at connections between the wire and devices (switches & outlets) or at splices.


May be found in older homes. Should asbestos become airborne, it could be hazardous to your health. For asbestos and lead paint inspections, one source of information is Armstrong Environmental: 919-838-9933.

Lead Paint

Many homes built before 1978 may have paint that contains lead. Some mini blinds also contain lead. Information can be obtained at the National Lead Information Center: 1-800-424-LEAD (5323)


Pathogenic or Toxigenic can cause serious health effects in people. You may also call Industrial Hygienic consultation number for Indoor Air Quality and Mold; Chemical Exposures, 919-707-5950.

Polybutylene Piping

Common in homes nationwide built from 1980-1995. simply the existence PBP is not necessarily a problem. Some homeowners have experienced problems with leaking and the failure of connections or certain types of fittings. There is a class action suit pending. It is recommended you have your inspector check for the existence of Polybutylene piping and any related existing or past problems. For information contact Consumer Plumbing Recovery Center 1-800-329-7591.


Current EPA guidelines reflect on acceptable level as 3.9 pico curies per liter of air or less. Radon is present in several areas of our market. A test by a qualified radon inspection company is recommended. For testing call: Radon Testing Labs: 919-876-1876


Many homes in our area may be finished with one of the siding materials listed below. Class action lawsuits have been filed due to problems related to one or more of these products. We strongly recommend a qualified inspector examine any siding material to determine the product and existing or potential problems.

Louisiana Pacific: 800-245-2722

Masonite Omni Wood: 800-256-6990

Masonite Hardboard: 800-330-2772

Synthetic Stucco

EIPFS, Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems. Possibility of moisture damage to exterior as well as structural members exists. An inspection of the exterior and interior by a qualified inspector is strongly recommended. There is a class action Stucco lawsuit pending.

Underground Fuel Storage Tanks

If an underground storage tank exists and it is not longer being used, it is recommended an inspection be done to be sure it complies with state and federal regulations regarding hazardous waste. For information call East Coast Environmental 919-772-0268

Pressure Treated Wood

Used in decking, fences, playground equipment, picnic tables and anywhere wood comes in contact with the ground or outside in the weather. The wood is treated with a pesticide containing Arsenic.

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