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Halloween Safety Tips

With nearly 75% of children heading out to trick-or-treat this year, we have some tips on how to have a fun and safe Halloween! For many parents, Halloween is a big concern and worry while their children on their own running around unsupervised. Below are the top six parental concerns during the Halloween night.

Parent Concerns

  1. Pedestrian injury: More than twice the amount of children are killed in a pedestrian/vehicle incident from 4-10 PM on Halloween than any other day of the year. We recommend staying in well lit subdivisions, only crossing at corners, and have your children carry flashlights and have reflective clothing.
  2. Poisoning: Always check your children’s candy before they are allowed to eat. Make sure all candy is factory wrapped.
  3. Abduction: Children under 12 should always be accompanied by an adult. Groups are always the best. If there is a large group make sure you have a couple of parents not just one. Instruct your children on only going to homes with a porch light on and never entering somebody’s home under any condition. Subdivisions again are the safest; make sure you choose a neighborhood where there are lots of street lights, and parents around.
  4. Falls: Make sure all your children’s costumes fit properly and have nothing dragging. Children should only use sidewalks and walk.
  5. Burns: Have your children have a flame resistant costume on as well as staying away from lit pumpkins.
  6. Broken Bones: Again walking is important!

Costume Safety

  • Properly fitting shoes
  • Flame resistant
  • Non-Toxic face make-up
  • Flashlight or non-toxic glow sticks
  • Reflective tape
  • No loose costumes
  • Avoid masks
  • No sharp objects

Linda Craft & Team hope you all have a safe and fun Halloween! If you have anymore questions contact us at (919)235.0007 and

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