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Why Wake County Home Owners Sell: A New Baby on the Way

Congratulations! You are having a baby! How exciting this life-changing event will be. When you become a mom and dad, your priorities change drastically. Where you live and how you live will have new meaning and higher importance.

Let’s help you plan ahead by looking at some of the reasons people sell and move when a new little blessing comes into their life. If you’re in the market for a new Wake County home now and plan to start a family soon, this information will help you determine housing priorities, which could protect you from a costly mistake.

6 Reasons Why New Parents in Wake County Sell and Buy New Homes

Here are the top reasons people give for selling and buying a new home after becoming first-time parents:

1. “Our home is too small.” A new baby usually means a need for another bedroom or more room for all the stuff that comes with a growing family. This includes cribs, pack in plays, strollers, high chairs and TOYS! That little baby is small but their needs are not. You may decide to sell and buy a bigger home because you just need more room. Another reason people move into a larger home is because of North Carolina law. Specifically, North Carolina law states that brothers and sisters have to stop sharing rooms at the age of 7.

2. “Our house was right, and now it is totally wrong.” Before children came into your life, that town home, high rise condo or house on the beautiful golf course lot was perfect for you. Now, with baby, it’s not. You quickly realize that your house is not going to work for your family. You need a safe backyard where you can have a play-set as well as room to run and kick a ball without worrying about being hit by a golf ball. The town home will be replaced soon with a detached single family home with a nice backyard. Oh and let’s not forget the grandparents will want to visit more often so a guest room and a bonus room for indoor play will be on your dream list too.

3. “Our floor plan is not right for children.” A few nights of climbing stairs for middle-of-the-night feedings or one virus that has your precious child struggling to breathe and you will realize how far away the first floor master suite is from the children’s rooms upstairs and you will wish you were closer. Many mothers have told me they slept on the floor next to the crib when their baby was sick and were so happy when they bought a new home with all the bedrooms on the same level.

As great as the baby monitor machines are to allow you to hear everything in the baby’s room, it does not help when you are waking up in a dead sleep to climb a flight of stairs. First floor masters are just hard to maneuver with babies and little children. And of course, once they start crawling, safety around stairs is the next concern.

Here to Help You With Your Wake County Real Estate Needs Through All of Life’s Transitions

To learn more about how to plan your future housing needs around your growing family, contact Linda Craft & TEAM Realtors for a free consultation. We have helped more than 6,000 families buy the right home and would love to share our expertise with you and your friends.

If you know of anyone who has a child or is planning a family, please help them by sharing this information.

Thanks and congratulations in advance on your new baby boy or girl.

Until next time,


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