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RTP ā€“ The Frontier

Research Triangle Park ā€“ RTP
The ā€œParkā€ is managed by the Research Triangle Foundation of NC, which is a private nonprofit with a very public mission of serving, supporting education, creating meaningful work and jobs through economic development and lifting up the people in the state of NC. Research Triangle Park is a place to live, work, play, and collaborate.

The Frontier
ā€œThe Frontierā€ center at RTP is still under construction, but will have 5 levels with the first floor serving as a public convening space. Anyone will be welcome to come to The Frontier and work, host a meeting, or have a conference call. They will have different work areas and various setups. Free conference rooms will be open to the public with free coffee, internet, and sometimes free beer. The other floors will have more space and be open to tenants needing 5000 square feet or more. Short leases, variety of sizes, and affordable flat fee rent will allow networking and easy interaction among new companies. It will be a great way to become a part of the RTP community.

Learn more about RTP or The Frontier
Work at The Frontier
Drop-In Space
Events at The Frontier

Quick facts about RTP

  • started in 1959, it borders Wake & Durham Counties
  • geographical size is 7000 acres (MAP)
  • 190-200 businesses are located in RTP
  • 40,000 to 50,000 employees work in RTP
  • more than half of the companies in RTP have 25 employees or less
  • Chemstrand was the first company to locate to RTP, in February 1961

*Details taken for this blog post from the 919 Magazine Spring 2015 article, ā€œInspiring the Futureā€ ā€“ an interview with Mason Ailstock, VP for Business Development

Linda Craft & Team is a locally owned real estate company where every dollar earned proudly stays in the community. Our Team is celebrating itsā€™ 30th Anniversary and leading the Triangle in 2014 as the #1 Team for previously owned homes SOLD! We would love to help you too! Please call our office today to set up a free consultation with one of our expert team members.

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