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Prepare for Winter Now

Whether we like it or not winter is fast approaching. It is already starting to get colder and Linda Craft & Team has some tips to make sure you are prepared for the winter months! We know Raleigh isn’t know for its terrible winters, but we have some ways to save energy and money and be prepared if we were to get a winter storm this year.


Typical yard maintenance is important before the winter. Trim any branches that are near electric wires (will definitely save you if there is a storm), mulch dead leaves, and remove any seasonal flowers you have planted. Drain your sprinkler system and turn off exterior faucets, this will help prevent anything being ruined from freezing. Another very important precaution to do is to check your roof as well as clean out your gutters. Clean your outdoor furniture and store it away so it is in top shape for the spring. Doing all of this now will save you for the winter!


The number one preparation everyone should do is to get your HVAC checked. This usually costs around $80- $100 and could possibly save you lots of money. Making sure your HVAC is in working order is a safety precaution, to save more money and energy change out the filters. Caulking windows is also a great way to keep in heat. By adding installation to attics and crawl spaces you can save a ton of money this winter.  If you have a fireplace have a chimney sweep company clean and check everything for you before you use it. If you are selling your home and it is vacant, make sure to leave the heat of a low setting to keep the pipes from freezing (55 degrees or higher). Another interesting winterizing tip is to run your ceiling fans in reverse. It helps circulate the warm in the room and can save you around 10% on your heating bill.


Always have salt on hand for your driveway when there is ice and a snow shovel. Having an ice scrapper for your car is also a great idea and an extra set of gloves. It would also be beneficial to make a emergency kit for your car and home in case you lose power during the winter months. Better safe than sorry.


If you have any other questions on how to winterize your home please feel free to contact Linda Craft & Team at 919.235.0007

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